The first step of my journey

The first step of my journey

Hello, my name is Izabella Dodd, I’m a 13 year old autistic girl who loves taking photographs. I first got inspired to do photography when I saw my Grandad looking at the 1000s of photographs he has taken. He gave me an old camera for my birthday and taught me how to use it. Having autism means I look at the world differently so follow my journey and I’ll share with you how I see the world. I haven’t learnt how to edit photographs yet, so everything you see today is as I took it. I prefer taking photographs of flowers and animals because they won’t judge me or tell me they don’t like the picture. There are a few people I feel comfortable taking photos of, my sister Niya thinks I’m her personal photographer!

Here is my Grandad, my inspiration.

Here is my sister Niya (You can find her Roller Derby Blog here)

Here are my attempts to photograph cats, I love the one of the brown cat in the grass

I love taking photos when the sun is shining, I like the patterns the rays make

There is a statue of Sir Edward Elgar looking at Hereford Cathedral, here is what he sees


I saw a beautiful flower and took 2 photos of it with different perspectives, my favourite is the close up

Here are a selection of different flowers, I’m still learning how to take clear, close up images

I hope you have enjoyed reading my first post.

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